About us

Our Story

Heading towards technology

Even at the turn of the millennium, the financial industry was facing significant challenges: technological advances, changing competition and shifting demographics. More than two decades later, these transformations have indeed taken place: technology has made huge leaps, the marketplace has evolved and people’s habits and mindsets have changed.

But the financial industry didn’t seem to keep pace. With the sudden and growing need to work remotely combined with new ecological realities, a digital transformation tool like Tchat N Sign is now indispensable. 

It was the sound of the fax machine one fine day in 2017 that finally spurred me to action. The machine-like melody of the modem had played one too many times. That day, there was a snowstorm – the third of the month – and once again appointments would be cancelled and the week’s schedule turned upside down. I tried to get back in touch with my clients, some by phone, some by Messenger or Facebook. I sent emails. I wasted a lot of time. Alone in my office, I looked around and saw paperwork. And more paperwork: piles of documents to be signed, faxed, filed… That’s when I had a crazy urge to do a Marie Kondo cleanup in my practice: no more paper! No more missed appointments! I started looking for the ideal tool to free myself from physical constraints and old technologies, but I didn’t find it. So I set out to found a company and create it. 

Three years later, Tchat N Sign was born. My partners and I had finally created the optimal tool for the financial industry. No more paper and only one platform to communicate, sign and archive, all automatically synchronized with the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. Result: Tchat N Sign allows a more ecological, more secure and especially more efficient practice.   

Tchat N Sign is the full potential of digital technology within the reach of any company. In a few clicks, everything is automated and you save a lot of time. 

Willie Savard, CEO

Our mission

Tchat N Sign’s mission is to simplify the lives of small and medium-sized businesses by making a complete digital shift accessible. A collaborative tool of this kind is usually only possible within a large company.

Tchat N Sign easily integrates the different platforms your customers and teams use and centralizes all information in one place. The different technologies are now at everyone’s fingertips with Tchat N Sign, a unified and secure platform.

The objectives of a digital transformation

  • Reduce file processing time in firms or SMEs
  • Eliminate paper signatures
  • Unify multiple communication channels to provide a central point for business communications
  • Helping firms and SMEs to go green and safe by integrating new technologies into their processes
  • Reduce paper use and travel


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